
Interview | The Drivers Club

Sound City bands 2024

SAE is delighted to be hosting a stage at this year’s Sound City event in Liverpool. 

Guitar band The Drivers Club will be joining rock band Red Coven, Pomona and Bl!ss to perform the SAE stage. 

The group – which features Adam Johnson, Liam Brady, Seth Beard and Brandon Tew – has been gigging around Liverpool and releasing music, including their latest track, So Fine.

We caught up with Adam and Liam from The Drivers Club to find out more about the band and their connection with SAE. 

Get to know them in our interview below ahead of this year’s Sound City festival on 4th and 5th May

How did The Drivers Club get together? And who/what are the inspirations behind the band? 

Adam: Liam and I have known each other since 2018 and so The Drivers Club is the result of many years of us writing and jamming together around Liverpool. It didn’t take long for Brandon, who Liam knew from high school, to join on guitar, and we roped in Seth after meeting through a friend of a friend a year or so ago. We then only officially launched in December last year and in that time I think we’ve accomplished way more than we expected.

As individuals we all draw on different inspirations, to name them all would be a nightmare. A few that stand out in relation to recent releases would be Nothing But Thieves, Paramore, U2, and Talking Heads. Personally, I’m a big fan of Byrne’s vocals and the emotion he can put into every word.

I’m interested to hear about the SAE connection? I believe that Adam went to a partner school? How has this relationship evolved? 

Adam: Yeah so I’ve known and been good friends with Graham Lysaght (Campus Manager of Liverpool SAE) for a long time now, we’ve worked with each other on lots of little projects over the years. More recently, with the launch of The Drivers Club, SAE Liverpool have provided us with a space to record some demos and produce some great online content.

We’ve worked closely with some very talented students, Cammy and Terrance, as well as Jake, Chris, Duncan and John from the staff. Special shout out to Graham though who has been the mastermind coordinator throughout it all and hooked us up with all these great individuals!

Congratulations on the Sound City gig – what does it mean to play at the event? 

Liam: Honestly, it feels absolutely amazing. For those who don’t know, me and Adam have been writing together since we were 17 and I reckon, since then, we have nearly played every venue in the city. 

Adam: Even some venues that don’t exist anymore.

Liam: After years it feels like it’s finally starting to pay off as we’ve decided to launch as The Drivers Club. We couldn’t be happier. 

How are you preparing for the gig? 

Liam: Well, we’ve been preparing by rehearsing, the four of us, as much as we can, while also working on our own parts at home. Even though we know the songs inside and out, we’ve always believed it’s important to work hard for it, no matter the show. We do have some exciting things planned specifically for Sound City, but I can’t say anything about that “wink”, “wink”.

What is your take on Liverpool’s music scene at the moment? What are the key venues to play? 

Adam: Our scene has always been rich with so many great artists and venues. We’re huge fans of The Jacaranda and their new venue in the Baltic Triangle. The Jac has always felt like home.

For those new to the Drivers Club and their music, what’s the best song as an introduction for people to check out? 

Liam: For those who want a Drivers Club 101, I’d suggest listening to our first single, Lost In Your Mind (Psychokiller). It’s in your face and started us off with a bang. It’s also a direct translation of the energy we create when we’re on stage. So for anyone wanting an introduction it’s a banger to start yourself off with. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received about navigating the music industry? 

Adam: It’s so important to find joy in what you do, it’s so easy to compare yourself to others and become obsessed with numbers. We focus on creating things we love and hope others find something in it too.

What does the rest of 2024 have in store for the band? 

Adam: We have a lot of music recorded. At least three more releases are planned for this year and early next year. On top of that we have a few fun live events lined up such as Sound City which we can’t announce currently but you’ll know about soon enough!

Visit for more. 

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