
Networking in the Film Industry

Networking is a key skill for any aspiring film industry professional to develop. If you want to find out more about the best ways to hone your creative skills, networking abilities and forge industry connections, then check out our Film Production degree. Read our guide below for some essential networking do’s and don’ts…

Like the music business, networking in the film industry is a key ability to hone to help your personal and professional growth.

Presenting yourself as a reliable industry professional genuinely interested in others will open up a diverse range of opportunities and potentially lead to your most important professional connections.

Whether it’s attending the latest film networking events to finding industry professionals online or contacting industry publications, our latest blog will delve into the best ways to make quality connections that can sustain your career.

What Is Networking?

Networking is the process of getting into contact with other individuals in your chosen industry – in this case, film.

This usually involves attending events or making connections online that could be useful to you, both now and in the future.

As we will discover, there are various different ways you can approach working on and expanding your network.

How studying a degree in Film Production can help

Studying a degree in Film Production can be a great way to begin growing your network in the film industry.

You are likely to be surrounded by a peer group made up of aspiring professionals, all of whom have the opportunity to grow their careers together.

Why Is Networking Important In The Film Industry?

A good network of film industry contacts will allow you to progress your career and help you work with leading industry professionals.

Often, opportunities won’t just come through scrolling through LinkedIn or job listings.

Instead, many Directors or Film Producers hire talent on word of mouth recommendations or referrals. This is why your network can be an invaluable resource in propelling you through the industry.

networking | Essential tips

Networking in the film industry is as much of an art as writing, directing, producing, acting – and it takes just as much practice. Here are some top tips for you to follow.

Consider what you want from your network

Before messaging companies or individual industry peers to schedule coffee meetings or calls, take some to consider what you’re looking for.

Are you networking to seek a particular opportunity? Maybe you’re trying to get some specific experience or find an entry-level role on a film project?

Before you set up a face-to-face meeting or send a LinkedIn connection request, make sure you know what you want and be mindful of how you present yourself.

Think about your elevator pitch

Once you’ve landed on what you are looking for from a connection, then it’s time to craft an attention grabbing pitch or message

This will probably sound slightly different depending on your ambitions, the platform you are using and who you are choosing to reach out to. Make sure you personalise any message – it’s easy to spot something generic and you are less likely to receive a reply.

Maintain updated online CVs and profiles

Portfolios, samples, reels, and previous work should always be up-to-date and easily accessible should any producer, executive, or agent ask you for them.

These are often in-the-moment opportunities, so be ready to seize them when they come.

Spend some time each month updating these resources with any new content or experiences. An out-of-date profile can be very off-putting to potential network contacts.


It might be tempting to run off a list of everything you’re working on and all of your experience at a networking event. As obvious as it sounds, it is equally as important to listen to what others have to say.

Active listening shows you value your new contact’s time. It may also reveal that you have common interests that can help further build your professional relationship with them.

Become genuinely interested in others

Ask people questions about themselves.

Try and become genuinely curious about other people’s interests, and passions. If you make people feel special and appreciated, then they will hopefully reciprocate in the way they treat you.

Engage with professionals online

Social media is a very effective tool for connecting with industry peers.

However, when online remember to try and behave how you would in person – so be polite, professional, avoid being too keen or pushy. You want your new to connection think of when you an appropriate opportunity arises – and this involves getting on with them.

Attend events to expand beyond social media

While meeting people online is a great way due to how accessible many professionals are active on social media, cementing working relationships by meeting in person can be just as, if not more, important.

One sure-fire way to expand your networking in the film industry is by researching a relevant networking event including film festivals, then signing up to attend.

You are likely able to make some great connections at these events – so go and be prepared to put yourself out there by talking to other like-minded individuals and industry professionals.

Make Valuable Connections

One of the keys to successful networking is to add value wherever possible.

Rather than just leaning on a contact for their time and resources, you should view this as a conversation. By approaching this as a dialogue, you will be able to offer any potential connections value – and doing so will mean your contacts will be likely to refer you or contact you when a suitable opportunity appears.

Find your tribe – in and out of the industry

There’s nothing wrong with learning how to network in the film industry wherever you are; however small or local an event or film society.

The importance of networking isn’t just about meeting a studio executive who can make your dreams come true – it’s about achieving your ambitions with those around you.

Follow up

Even if it’s as simple as providing a restaurant recommendation or somewhere good to go for a coffee, you can ask for an email address or a phone number to send more information during an initial meeting.

If you give the recommendation in person, ask for contact information so you can follow up to see how their experience was. This might open another door of conversation.

Be consistent

It is very important to stay in touch with your network. At the very least, you should be aiming to contact and check in with everyone in this professional social circle at least once a year.

You can set yourself reminders on your Google calendar so that you are messaging people on a regular basis.

Keep the momentum going

Finally, remember that networking in the film industry is a career-long process. Meeting people is the first step, but you want these relationships to be long-lasting.

You need to be patient and regularly dedicate some time to forging new connections and investing in pre-existing ones.

Get started!

There is no time like the present to begin your networking journey in the film industry. Once you have your assets in place, then you can begin online before expanding to take on in-person events.

As we said at the beginning, studying a course at an institution like SAE can offer an invaluable start to your networking activities.

These structured educational spaces are one of the best ways to meet aspiring filmmakers like yourself.

Good luck!

STUDY FILM Production at SAE 

If you want to work in film production, get to grips with the latest video editing software and hone your skills in a uniquely collaborative environment, then our Film Production degree could be for you.

With high-end digital cinema cameras and production suites, our facilities and expert tutors are well placed to give your career the best possible start in this fast-paced and dynamic industry.

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