SAE learning concept
The SAE learning concept
To understand what constitutes contemporary learning, we first look at the needs of our students. Successful learning is only guaranteed if individual needs are taken into account as well as different types of learners.
For more than 40 years, the SAE Institute has been successfully training for the media industry worldwide, using an extremely practice-oriented approach. Working on projects and in groups is the core of learning, while the necessary theory is given the necessary space and forms almost a quarter of the learning material. In this way, what has been learned is directly put into practice, tested and substantially deepened and consolidated in practical applications.
If we now look at the methods of knowledge transfer, the advantages of digitisation can be used to everyone’s advantage, especially with regard to the theoretical lectures. All topics are presented live in campus-spanning online lectures at fixed times in the morning and evening. Students are able to benefit from different lecturers, so that different perspectives can be adopted. This also promotes exchange among students in the department. In addition to the live lectures, each lecture is available afterwards as a recording for the entire duration of study, so that it can be flexibly followed up and optimally prepared for examinations.
The full potential then unfolds on campus. Experienced lecturers from the media industry teach in small, intensive learning groups. In addition, we encourage cooperation in peer learning groups – together as well as across departments and thus interdisciplinary – to work on projects for one’s own portfolio; this is thus already created during studies and thus promotes a quick career entry after graduation.
Open House 08 of July
Drop by and get all the info you need to get started!!